Saturday, April 30, 2011

Goulash with a twist

So this recipe was an experiment. I had meat, I had veggies and this is what turned out.  It was really good and we will be having it again! Super easy.

You need:
1/2 pound of meat (That's what I had)
1 green pepper
3 medium size tomatoes
1 tsp +Chili powder (Depending on taste you can add more or less)
Salt to taste (I did about 1 tsp ish)

Brown your meat in a skillet. While meat is cooking cut your veggies. I did little pieces.
Once meat is cooked add your pepper and tomato. Let cook for a bit. About 5-7 min.
Add your chili powder, salt and pepper. Let cook on medium heat for 10 or so min.
Serve on top of rice.

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